People who want to live in Italy with their own capital without having to work

The elective residence visa allows a foreigner who intends to settle in Italy and who can support himself/herself independently, without working, to enter Italy for residence.

To this end, the foreigner must provide adequate and documented guarantees of the availability of a dwelling to be chosen as a residence and of sufficient autonomous, stable, and regular economic resources, the continuity of which can reasonably be expected in the future. These resources – which must, in any case, be at least three times the annual amount specified in Table A of the Ministry of the Interior Directive of 1 March 2000 defining the means of subsistence for the entry and residence of foreigners in the territory of the State – must come from the ownership of substantial income (pensions, annuities), from the ownership of real estate, from the ownership of stable economic-commercial activities or other sources other than employment.
Similar visas may also be granted to spouses, minor children, and dependent adult children living in the same household, provided that the above-mentioned financial resources are also deemed sufficient for the latter.

Jusweb staff provides the following services:

1) Detailed information by email in English or Italian on the requirements and procedures for obtaining an entry visa and residence permit, both for the applicant and his/her family members: no cost;

2) Assistance in applying for an entry visa, and residence permit for the applicant and his/her family members in English or other languages: a quote will be provided.

If you wish to contact our service, please write in English or Italian to:
Please describe your requirements and enclose a short CV so we can fully understand whether you qualify for the entry visa and residence permit you wish to obtain.
Also indicate your telephone number and, if you do not receive a reply within two days, check your mail spam.